
Protecting Your Mobile Home From Severe Weather

12th Oct 2023

Protecting Your Mobile Home From Severe Weather

Protecting Your Mobile Home From Severe Weather

There’s an old stereotype about mobile home parks getting destroyed by tornadoes. It’s not that tornadoes specifically aim for these areas; it’s just an unfortunate reality that many parks are in areas where these natural disasters are commonplace. Knowing how to protect your mobile home from severe weather can make it easier to get through these storms and keep your house and family safe, whether you live in an area with tornadoes, hurricanes, or blizzards.

Secure Your Foundation

One of the best ways to secure your home during heavy weather like rain, wind, or snow is to ensure everything is secure. Periodically, walk around your house and inspect your siding, roof shingles, and skirting for any loose elements. Firmly attaching everything reduces your risk of items blowing away and helps secure your home from outside elements getting inside.

Install Precautionary Features

An important part of protecting your mobile home from severe weather is understanding what conditions you and your home are up against. For example, if you know there’s going to be a lot of wind and rain, you may want to install tempered windows to withstand higher winds or storm doors to protect your main entrance. Sturdier materials allow your home to withstand harsher conditions and help better prepare you for extreme weather conditions.

Prepare for the Storm

You can secure your skirting and have the best possible storm door, but sometimes, when you know a storm is coming, you want to go the extra mile and add some additional protection. For example, you may want to create a sandbag barrier around your home to help guide water away and keep it from getting to the underside of your home. Additionally, setting up plywood over your windows helps shield them from any hazards that cause them to shatter. Putting some additional protection up in preparation for severe weather is an essential part of protecting your mobile home.

Mobile Home Outfitters is here for you for more information on mobile home repairs, renovations, and general tips to keep your home safe and long-lasting. We have several helpful guides and replacement storm doors for your mobile home. We’re here to help you, whether you need parts or assistance. Contact us anytime to speak with a member of our team.